Sunday, December 26, 2010

eBay?s Top Holiday Product Searches: Nintendo Wii; Xbox Kinect And Ugly Christmas Sweaters

E-commerce giant eBay sees a massive amount of searches every day?the company just announced that it handled more than 2 billion U.S. product searches in the third quarter alone. For the same time period, comScore reports that Amazon saw 847 million searches, while Google handled only 226 million product searches. Similar to the fact that top Google searches can show what's trending during a specific time, eBay's searches can show us what is popular in terms of e-commerce at a given time. The company has releases data on the top product searches on the marketplace during the holiday shopping season (Dec. 1 through Dec. 22). During the time period, the top three products that saw the largest spike in searches (in order) are the Nintendo Wii Console, Xbox Kinect, and "Ugly Christmas Sweater."

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